Yesterday afternoon, a portrait of former United States Representative (D-MA) and Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee (2007-2011), Barney Frank, was unveiled in room 2128 of the Rayburn building on Captiol Hill.

Committee chairpeople on the house side can set up portrait-fund commissions (funded by private donors, not tax payers) to memorialize their public service in an oil painting. Jon R. Friedman rendered a photorealistic portrait of Congressman Frank sitting at his desk, stacked with newspapers and books (one of Mr. Frank's first campaign slogans was "Neatness isn't everything"), and in front of an American AND Gay Pride flag (Mr. Frank was the first member of Congress to enter a same sex marriage while in office).

Ben Bernanke, Hank Paulson, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd, and Robert Kaiser were among those there to celebrate Mr. Frank's 32 years in Congress. The current Chairman of the Financial Services Committee, Jeb Hensarling, was uncharacteristically gracious in his congratulations to Barney, and articulated the comfort in knowing that Barney would be seen and not heard' in the Financial Services hearing room for time immemorial.

If you are ever in DC, go to Rayburn 2128 to check it out.

(Yes, these are cookies.)

[Images by Victor G. Jeffreys II]