Ace Frehley is blind!
Anyone spot Walter B. Reckless yet?
So ironic that it becomes awkwardly sincere. It's hard to say what the author intended, and that seems to be the only real intent present here. If you ask any artist they'll tell you- the most important aspect of any work of art is that the intent is malleable depending on what the viewer might enjoy. If you find it unfunny, then it's high art. If you think it's pretentious and sucky, then it's clearly an ironic parody of whatever it might have otherwise appeared to be an homage to.
Q: "Is this a joke? It doesn't seem interesting or considered enough to be sincere."
A: In that case, of course it is.
Q: "Is this a genuine expression of emotion?"
A: I'll answer your question with a question: do you want it to be?
Q: "I think I do."
A: Then we have your answer.
Q: "That's amazing. It's a shame you did not receive more oral sex in high school."
A: You're welcome. Oh, and- ART!