Stacked Chairs

True story: I was walking through a large installation at a well-known museum and ended up in a room stacked ceiling-high with chairs and not only thought it was part of the exhibit, but it was also my favorite part. It was the museum's chair room. Still feel like a major boner.
This is reminiscent of the teachings of Xun Zi and how the flow of life is like the water intertwined with politics it contrary to the despotism of the current rulers in the region and their unbalance of power.
I hate when you have a bunch of paper bundles that are all held together with paper clips in the upper left corner and you stack the bundles and IT'S NOT FLAT and you can only stack it so high because of this effect.
I've tried utilizing the half-turn maneuver in these situations but have been met with only the futility of my efforts staring me in the face. I've lost faith that there may exist a solution to this somewhere. God helps us all.
Yeah the half-turn "works" if all you want is a stable stack, but how do you flip through a handfull when half of them are upside down??
polyamorous chairgy
...the one on the left loves to watch.