
NYC: A Tourist's Perspective

Tyler Beaver · 07/31/13 02:18PM

Tourists clog up favorite public spaces, complain about and aren’t prepared for the local weather and are fascinated by the most mundane crap your town has to offer and HAVE to get a picture of the kids in front of. But sometimes it’s fun to be that twerp with a camera who gawks at big buildings, takes his sweet time getting off the subway and can’t stop commenting on just how hot it is. That was me on my recent honeymoon to New York City, all captured on 35mm film because I’m old and like old things. Like New York City.

The Devil Wants His Weather Back

Markus Hartel · 07/17/13 05:38PM

Anyone who says "I love the summer in the city" is out of their minds! Humidity and heat are mocking the tarmac – impatience and sweat are just around every corner and one wants to avoid rubbing against strangers on the subway at all cost...