The Metropolitan Opera Is Beautiful, And Full Of Old People

The Metropolitan Opera, founded in 1883, opened its Lincoln Center theater in 1966 and since then has become known as one of the most beautiful places to find old people in.
The theater seats 3,800 (old) patrons on six levels, a family of crystal chandeliers gifted to the Met by the Austrian government hang from the ceilings, two walls are covered in huge Chagall murals (that were signed over to JP Morgan as a collateral for a long term loan), and there are more elevators in the place than the AARP's headquarters.
Regular tickets are expensive, but two hours before each show, the theater releases rush tickets that run $20-$25. Whether you are an opera aficionado or not, if you get a chance to visit The Met, go, at the very least you will spend the night feeling young.