Dance Floor > Marley Floor

The after party for Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater's, Ailey at the Apollo, is arguably the best three hours of dancing New York City sees every year. There are legs for days, sunglasses indoors at night, and at least a million dollars worth of designer heels in the place. The best part of this year's party were the bathrooms.
They choose to use the theater's water closets during the afterparty—which meant on your way to (or back from) the pot—you would walk through an EMPTY Apollo Theater! Yes, on my way back from a pee break, I took the time to get on stage and do a Lateral T—Mr. Ailey would have been proud.


Ms. Jamison was definitely in the house for the performance. This was her seat. On the aisle and a couple rows from the back. After getting her leg up for so long, the cushion is (obviously) well earned—and a dead give away on her whereabouts.