Reserved For Rondee's Trevor Vaughn, Live From Webster Hall
[There was a video here]
Last night at The Studio at Webster Hall, Reserved for Rondee's lead singer Trevor Vaughn was possessed by something not of the physical world.
Vaughn spent chunks of the 90 minute set moving in ways that induced flash backs of Regan in her bed, but when he opened his mouth, it was not the roar of the devil one heard, but rather the fully supported voice of a rock star. Trevor and his star studded band (Tom Degnan on bass was a main squeeze on As The World Turns, Billy Magnussen on guitar is in a Broadway show that just won a Tony, Nick Fokas on lead guitar is a expert in Greek and Roman history, and Warren Hemenway on drums was a preacher—which is probably how all of this works) will be performing on August 21 at The Bowery Ballroom—if you get a chance, check them out.