The Westboro Baptist Church Has Some Competition

Photographs. So bad. So bad.
Thank you!
This belongs on Victor's MySpace page, not the front page of Gawker.
I will sign up for MySpace right now.
I don't understand is this another hate group that wants to spread more hate against people then westboro cause I don't see a story attached to it other then the headline. If so fucked all these people and I hope a big pile of crap hits them all from a plane and ends theirs lives for being so hateful.
No, it is people making fun of Westboro.
This is dumb
Sorry no offense meant by it, Westboro isn't respectable and people who agree with them are just as bad. Protesting to be satirical at anytime besides at another protest (I think the term is counter protest) to me is dumb. But keep on keeping on.