Greetings From Yankton, South Dakota

Enter Yankton, South Dakota. Some call it "Skanton", others "Crankton"; our friend Rosco just calls it home. While the main attraction of Yankton is the hopes of seeing local Jim Anderson (made famous on Letterman's "Stupid Human Tricks") hopping around on one foot down at the Ice House, demonstrating his prowess as the world's fastest can crusher, our roadtrip from New York to South Dakota was instead prompted by one too many bottles of sake, an ill advised car rental, and Rosco's promise that the Old Roads music festival he was organizing would be better than any other festival I had ever photographed.
Having worked as a staff photographer at Coachella, Bonnaroo, Newport Folk Festival and Governors Ball, I was intrigued. Some 30 hours after leaving New York we arrived, and 400 beers, 36 Smirnoff Ices, three speeding tickets, two turkey gizzards, multiple flesh wounds, a missing person report, and one mixed up melting pot of a festival later we left. Rosco, as it turned out, was right.