
This Music Video Will Make You Shake, Or Give You Vertigo

Victor Jeffreys II · 12/09/13 03:02PM

New York based indie-dance band Estate and Tokyo based band, Liquid Pegasus just released a 3-D gif music video for their single Tendency. The piece was shot by Josh Johnson on a Nimslo, one of the first consumer level three dimensional cameras to hit the market. Each exposure shoots 4 images from slightly different angles across the space of 2 full 35 mm exposures. The end result is pretty cool.

Dr. Ruth Is Wu-Tang's #1 Fan

Victor Jeffreys II · 11/11/13 10:50AM

Saturday night marked the 20 year anniversary of The Wu-Tang Clan's release of Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers). Members of the group and supporters from the past years gathered at 118 Orchard for the opening of Wu Ha 20 20, a group art show celebrating the momentous occasion.

Marques Toliver Is The Man

Victor Jeffreys II · 10/18/13 03:18PM

Marques Toliver and I met 5 years ago on a sidewalk in Williamsburg. His booming voice, percussive violin playing, and R&B sensibilities made it virtually impossible for me not to stop to find out who he was. Fast forward to today, and Marques has signed with Bella Union, is traveling the world playing music, and just released his new album Land of CanAan (which can be purchased here). Gawker and I are hosting a concert with him this Sunday—if you want an invite, send me suggestions ( for the next New York based musician we should host.

Deva Mahal Is Amazing

Victor Jeffreys II · 09/30/13 11:29AM

Deva Mahal (yes, daughter of Taj), Steph Brown, and The Delmonts brought the house down on Saturday night at St. Mazie. The tracks on her MySpace page do not do her justice—if she is ever in a city near you, you should check her out.

Dancing Queen (in Hungary)

Victor Jeffreys II · 09/20/13 10:30AM

Greetings From Yankton, South Dakota

Forest Woodward · 08/29/13 09:00AM

Enter Yankton, South Dakota. Some call it "Skanton", others "Crankton"; our friend Rosco just calls it home. While the main attraction of Yankton is the hopes of seeing local Jim Anderson (made famous on Letterman's "Stupid Human Tricks") hopping around on one foot down at the Ice House, demonstrating his prowess as the world's fastest can crusher, our roadtrip from New York to South Dakota was instead prompted by one too many bottles of sake, an ill advised car rental, and Rosco's promise that the Old Roads music festival he was organizing would be better than any other festival I had ever photographed.

For the Love Of One Direction, Don't Shower

Victor Jeffreys II · 08/22/13 10:17AM

These four women have been sleeping on the streets outside of Rockefeller Center since Friday of last week, all for the love of One Direction. The boy band is performing tomorrow morning as part of the NBC Today Show's summer concert series but until then, these ladies are bathing themselves in bodega bathroom sinks.

Dear Time Warner Cable: Please Hire This Guy

Victor Jeffreys II · 08/06/13 02:02PM

Dealing with Time Warner on the phone or in person is generally not something I, or anyone for that matter, enjoys doing. But thanks to one fine gentleman's dance moves, this morning was an exception.

How To Get Whiplash : US Air Guitar Semi Finals

Victor Jeffreys II · 07/03/13 11:57AM

The 2013 US Air Guitar Semi-finals were held last night in NYC at the Bowery Ballroom. Mean Melin (Eric Melin) took home the evening's title for an energetic display of thrashing convulsions that brought him to his knees and the crowd to their feet. I can't image the reaction he would have incited if he were actually playing the guitar. Oh yeah, and Danny Tanner was there.

Q.U.E.E.N.(s) from Memphis

Victor Jeffreys II · 06/11/13 10:18AM

Meet B. Dot, Alayna, and Stephani. They are from Memphis and look great at 5AM. I stumbled upon them last night and have since played the video 23 times. The 7 minute video has the perfect balance of hanging out, cheesy iMovie edits, and raw talent. I want to shoot their next music video.