Once Upon a Time in America: Then and Now

Victor Jeffreys II · 11/05/13 03:22PM

Ming Hui is a visiting poetry scholar from Beijing. He has been in New York City for almost a year translating Allen Ginsberg poetry into Mandarin, and he is obsessed with the 1984 film Once Upon A Time In America, so much so, that he has put together a series of images comparing scenes from the film, with the locations as they are now.

Bronx River Wild

Ben Pomeroy · 11/04/13 02:10PM

My uncle Jim repaired things underwater for the Army when he was overseas during World War Two. When he returned to his native Bronx, the engineer set about to straighten the Bronx River. The waterway weaved a meandering path from Westchester to the East River near Hunts Point in the South Bronx. If it weren't for the zig zagging and the flooding, the river was a perfect route for a modern parkway to be built along side of it. Enter uncle Jim and a team of backhoes and steam shovels to fill in the river's banks and make it go straight. Today most of us don't even know there is actually a river next to the Bronx River Parkway, but now old people can get to the slots at Empire City Casino in Yonkers pretty damn fast.

A Marathoner's Diet At The Half Way Mark

Victor Jeffreys II · 11/04/13 01:08PM

Lots of people come out to support the tens of thousands of marathoners that have trained for months for the New York City Marathon. People cheer, offer high fives, play music, clap, and if you are Peter Pan, you hold out a tray of doughnut holes for the passing runners to enjoy.

NYC Marathon : The Half Way Mark

Victor Jeffreys II · 11/04/13 11:40AM

The first Sunday in November is one of my favorite days of the year to be home. I live on a main street through Greenpoint, Brooklyn just South of the of the marathon's halfway mark, where every year people run, trot, walk, crank, skip, hobble, push and/or pull themselves up Manhattan Ave past my front door.

I Am Banksy

Victor Jeffreys II · 10/29/13 03:31PM

I am Banksy. (SOHO, NYC)

Lego Love

Victor Jeffreys II · 10/23/13 03:47PM

Lego Love