Never Give A New Yorker A Marker

Victor Jeffreys II · 11/20/13 11:00AM

New York City and mayor-elect Bill de Blasio set up a bitching tent meeting place on Canal street where New Yorkers are encouraged to participate in discussions about the future of this fair city. Talk Transition runs through the end of the week—there are a series of presentations on education, jobs, technology, transportation, healthcare, and every other topic people want to complain about discuss. So, if you want to be heard, head downtown and pick up a marker, because Mr. de Blasio will certainly read all of these cute little name tags.


Victor Jeffreys II · 11/19/13 01:18PM

The Next Big Cat Video

Victor Jeffreys II · 11/18/13 09:51AM

More Than 100 People Were OUT Last Night

Victor Jeffreys II · 11/15/13 11:48AM

Last night, Aaron Hicklin, Editor-in-Chief of Out Magazine (above), and a couple hundred other people celebrated this years OUT100 list. Blondie gave a stellar performance, Mariah Carey, unfortunately did not sing, and there were two people with a rare skin disease in attendance.

Have A Seat

Victor Jeffreys II · 11/14/13 02:42PM

(Have a seat. Artist's studio in Brooklyn)

Creative Time: Be More Creative

Victor Jeffreys II · 11/13/13 01:21PM

Full disclosure: 1. I love the work that Creative Time does. It is important, at times irreverent, and always forward thinking. If you have money to give away, give them some. 2. I have an intellectual crush on Creative Time's President and Creative Director, Anne Pasternak (pictured above). She is smart, fiercely independent, widely respected, and she had on an awesome jacket last night. That being said, last night Creative Time had its Fall Ball and it was not very creative.

Dr. Ruth Is Wu-Tang's #1 Fan

Victor Jeffreys II · 11/11/13 10:50AM

Saturday night marked the 20 year anniversary of The Wu-Tang Clan's release of Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers). Members of the group and supporters from the past years gathered at 118 Orchard for the opening of Wu Ha 20 20, a group art show celebrating the momentous occasion.

(There are boobs in this post) NSFW

Victor Jeffreys II · 11/06/13 01:00PM

Last night The Hole opened AREA: The Exhibition, an exhibition (clearly) celebrating AREA (of course!), one of the hottest night clubs in NYC during the 1980s. The fabled club was the nexus of the downtown art scene, and Mr. Deitch, lead curator of the show and former director of MOCA, wanted to recreate the experience.