Will You Marry Me?
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/20/13 11:29AMHot-Dog-Legs Are Back
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/19/13 02:14PMMan Dog Butt
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/19/13 09:35AMKarma Is Garbage
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/16/13 03:40PMA Six-Pack Will Get You a Ninja
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/16/13 02:40PMThese Kids are Cooler Than You Are: The Brooklyn Nets Kids Dance Team
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/15/13 07:47AM
Last night, Tanisha Scott auditioned hundreds of kids, ages 6-13, for the 16 competitive spots on the 2014 Brooklyn Nets Kids Dance Team and it was incredible. There were moments where I felt like I was in the gymnasium of the same school that Beyoncé was eating apples in—which, by some odd form of the transitive property—made me feel like Beyoncé.
The Brandon Show At Hotel Americano
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/14/13 12:37PM
BOFFO, a 501-c3 dedicated to supporting and creating public art, presented The Brandon Show, a performance art piece by Los Angeles-based artist Brandon Herman, last night at Hotel Americano. The piece is a talk show of sorts (think The View) that addressed audience-generated questions, in between incessant coffee drinking and impromptu dance parties. During the performance, Herman's co-hosts, Shannon Coffey, Jonjon Battles, and Evan Hoyt Thompson called upon Amanda Bynes' spirit at which point things got crazy.
Live From the Mirror Room in Fire Island
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/14/13 09:00AMVictor Jeffreys II · 08/13/13 02:57PM
Cock In A Butt (SFW)
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/13/13 12:00PMLets TwirLina: A Dance Party On Fire Island
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/13/13 09:30AMFour-Eyes: Kesh for American Apparel
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/13/13 08:51AMIt's Friday: JUMP
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/09/13 03:20PMMichael Urie Celebrates Being Michael Urie
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/08/13 12:10PM
Michael Urie had lots to celebrate at his birthday party last night. He had a great run on Ugly Betty, his current project "Buyer & Cellar"—a one man play in which Urie plays a shop attendant hired to manage the shopping mall in Barbra Streisand's cellar— is loved by James Franco, and his portrait was recently hung on Tony's Di Napoli Broadway Wall of Fame.
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/07/13 03:51PMThe Cape As Seen Through a Moving Car Window
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/06/13 02:27PMDear Time Warner Cable: Please Hire This Guy
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/06/13 02:02PMDealing with Time Warner on the phone or in person is generally not something I, or anyone for that matter, enjoys doing. But thanks to one fine gentleman's dance moves, this morning was an exception.
Here's a Large Gathering of People in Their Underwear
Victor Jeffreys II · 08/06/13 08:39AM
On Monday afternoon, Freshpair.com tried to rally 2,271 people to come to Times Square to break the supremely unimportant Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of people in their underwear. They failed at breaking the record but it was a nice try anyway. Please note that the images below are NSFW.