
Weiner Truck

Victor Jeffreys II · 09/13/13 10:08AM

On to bigger and better. (SOHO, NYC)

Victor Jeffreys II · 08/29/13 01:00PM

How many words in sequences of adjacent letters can you find?

Greetings From Yankton, South Dakota

Forest Woodward · 08/29/13 09:00AM

Enter Yankton, South Dakota. Some call it "Skanton", others "Crankton"; our friend Rosco just calls it home. While the main attraction of Yankton is the hopes of seeing local Jim Anderson (made famous on Letterman's "Stupid Human Tricks") hopping around on one foot down at the Ice House, demonstrating his prowess as the world's fastest can crusher, our roadtrip from New York to South Dakota was instead prompted by one too many bottles of sake, an ill advised car rental, and Rosco's promise that the Old Roads music festival he was organizing would be better than any other festival I had ever photographed.

Will You Marry Me?

Victor Jeffreys II · 08/20/13 11:29AM

The knife makes me a bit uneasy, but thanks for asking.

Four-Eyes: Kesh for American Apparel

Victor Jeffreys II · 08/13/13 08:51AM

A pair of shorts, shot on Fire Island, from a limited edition collection designed by London born, Los Angeles-based artist Kesh, for American Apparel.

It's Friday: JUMP

Victor Jeffreys II · 08/09/13 03:20PM

On a roof in the Lower East Side.

Dear Time Warner Cable: Please Hire This Guy

Victor Jeffreys II · 08/06/13 02:02PM

Dealing with Time Warner on the phone or in person is generally not something I, or anyone for that matter, enjoys doing. But thanks to one fine gentleman's dance moves, this morning was an exception.

Welcome to Dodge & Burn: A Launch Party

Victor Jeffreys II · 07/19/13 02:42PM

Last night marked the official launch of Dodge & Burn, with a steamy launch party hosted on Gawker HQ's rooftop. There were 100 pizzas, 400 fabulous people, 3 bathrooms, 2 bars, 1 projector and a 30 minute wait to get in—it was a grand ol' time.

How To Get Whiplash : US Air Guitar Semi Finals

Victor Jeffreys II · 07/03/13 11:57AM

The 2013 US Air Guitar Semi-finals were held last night in NYC at the Bowery Ballroom. Mean Melin (Eric Melin) took home the evening's title for an energetic display of thrashing convulsions that brought him to his knees and the crowd to their feet. I can't image the reaction he would have incited if he were actually playing the guitar. Oh yeah, and Danny Tanner was there.

How To Play with Trash

Victor Jeffreys II · 06/25/13 02:41PM

If you are tired of playing flip cup, beer pong, and spin the bottle, find a pair of scissors and a paper grocery bag and play THE BAG GAME!